Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Deepest Desire

Here is a video of Andrew demonstrating his readiness for solid foods. As you can see, he is obviously hungry, and is frustrated that he cannot get his whole sock in his mouth.

As for me... well... I simply never knew that parenting meant devoting so much time and energy to the bodily functions of others. At least three times a day I feel like shouting out loud because it is SO ridiculous. I don't spend a fraction of this time thinking abotu my OWN bodily functions. The time I devote to coaxing kids to use the toilet, to guiding them in HOW to use the toilet, to pull ups and diapers and sitting on the bathroom floor just waiting when I know full well NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I have also taken to waking the boys up to use the bathroom before I go to sleep myself. They are still in pull-ups, but this way the pull-ups do not leak and I haven't had to change the sheets ONCE since I've started. (well, once, but it was not because they were soaked in pee.) Even Andy will not make things simple. Because as annoying as poop is, you begin to notice when, well, when there is no poop. For days. Especially when the non-pooper is getting crankier and crankier. I simply can't shove any more prunes into that baby's body unless something comes out of him first.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

oh man, i can relate to how andrew feels...not about being constipated... I've been having open-mouth-insert-foot moments all week long.