Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Don't think I don't hear how irritating my voice is on this video.

You know what's REALLY annoying? Waking up in the rocking chair with the baby in your arms and not remembering waking up or walking down the hall... and having no idea how long you've been in there. And what's MORE annoying is having that stretch of sleep be the longest stretch of sleep you get all night.

Andy is going through this... this THING where he cries whenever I, you know, try to DO anything that doesn't define me as a human pacifier. It is not a fun time.

1 comment:

Debs said...

I love the way Nate says 'uhoh' when he's trying to get out the box.

Andy, quick messing with your Mommy and sleep through the night.

Kathleen, it's a phase. It'll pass. Hopefully soon.