Thursday, October 02, 2008

I One The Sandbox

Sense of humor develops with age. And it keeps going. I remember thinking the movie Spaceballs was the funniest film I had ever seen! And when I tried to watch it again a couple of years ago... well, I just got bored really quickly and found myself rolling my eyes.

Kids don't get jokes right away, either. I've tried to get Nick and Nate to "get" knock knock jokes for awhile, but... It didn't quite... well...

ME: When I say 'knock knock' you say 'who's there?' OK?

Nick: OK

Me: knock knock

Nick: It's Nicholas!

But last night, suddenly, I was able to tell one, and Nicholas laughed! He got it! So then I went on and did the "I One The Sandbox" thing with him.

In case you don't know "I One The Sandbox," the second guy is supposed to say "I Two The Sandbox" and then the first guy says "I Three The Sandbox" and it goes on until "I Eight The Sandbox" at which point person one says "You ATE the Sandbox? Yuck!"

Nick liked this one, too. He also liked "One Q" "Two Q" "Three Q" until "Ten Q" then the other person says "Your Welcome!"

So he kept laughing and making me do it over and over again with him, knowing they were funny but not quite getting that the funniness wears off. The boys were both laughing themselves silly. I was washing dishes and shouting my lines over to them.

Then Nathan started begging for me to do it with him. "One Q!" I shouted. And he shouted back "I Eat The Q!"

And then I laughed so hard I peed my pants.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Hee hee hee! A good sense of humour will serve them well throughout their lives. Good thing they're getting it so early!

O, yeah, & I peed myself a little too.

mbean said...

there was pee here as well.