Monday, August 24, 2009

Fleen Goin Green

I have a new blog.

Don't worry, don't worry, it won't keep me from writing on THIS blog... I hope.

People blog in different ways, for different reasons. Among The Savages (otherwise known as "Kathleen's Blog" or "Your Blog") is primarily about my life, my raising three boys in New Hampshire and cleaning my house. But probably mostly about my kids. The point being that my family lives apart from me and this is a way that I can bore them with minute details while posting pictures of my kids so that everyone can see how they are growing.

But other people have more focused blogs. Like Susan, for example, who is still posting about her weight loss journey. I urge you to go there and check it out if you haven't already. It is very inspiring. In fact, she is part of the inspiration for my new blog.

No, I'm not posting about weight loss, or my exercise log, or my diet.

I'm posting about going green.

When I was a kid, not polluting meant picking up your trash after a picnic, but these days not polluting involves what you eat AT the picnic, where it was grown, how it was grown, how it was packaged. It involves what you use as silverware, the plates. It involves the linen - the picnic blanket itself, what is it made of? And transportation? How did we get there - the bus? Did we walk, bike? Tell me we didn't take that SUV! PLEASE! SOMEbody think of the CHILDREN!

Anyway, I've been thinking about this for some time. And I've been taking tiny steps. Baby steps. And I think I've accomplished a lot (pat self on back.) But I still have a ways to go. There is still a lot I want to do and change. And this new blog will document my changes, my challenges, and will, I hope, be a place where people can either get ideas on things they can do, or where (please please please) they can give me new ideas and things that I can try.

So please stop by. I probably will not be posting there as often as I do here. But I really would appreciate your thoughts and comments.


Debs said...

looking forward to checking it out :)

queenmabby said...

what a great idea! I will def be checking the blog out as I struggle with going green myself. xo