Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ever since the boys learned to ride bikes, I've been promising to take them to the paved railroad trail in our town. I ran it once last year, and it's great to bike on. After all, it isn't hilly, and doesn't curve much.

So the other day I loaded the kids and their bikes into the car, helmets and all. Andy took his trike.

I had forgotten how the path drops off steeply on either side. Not the whole way, but often enough. And I also didn't realize how neither of my kids own the ability to not head for whatever it is that will cause them the most injury.

As soon as they started riding, they went over to the left side of the trail. But since there are other bokers and runners, they needed to stay to the right. "Stay to the right!" I yell, ten yards behind them with Andy on the trike. They look over their shoulders and the bikes wobble over to the very very edge of the trail, where there is a steep thirty foot drop into rocky brambly brush. "Get away from the edge!" I yell "Get into the middle of the trail!" And finally "Stop! Wait for me! Do not move!"

The boys had a good time. They were finally able to ride somewhere other than the driveway. Nick was laughing because he pedaled so hard he was standing up! It was great. Andy pedaled faster than he ever had in his life, and I pushed him so he could keep up - he needs a big bike. As for me, I think I lost ten years off my life from the sheer terror of watching my boys wobble and head right for the edge of the trail. They seemed completely unconcerned about the fact they they might DIE if they fell.

But I guess they won't get better unless they go back. Next spring we will put Operation Bicycle into effect. New bikes for all. Even me.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Hooray! New bikes for all! I just did a 20 mi ride to the GWB last week. Maybe I'll ride all the way up to see you!! ;-)