Saturday, August 20, 2011


This week has been difficult.

But I can't talk about it.

I can't talk about it, because it involves Nick.

It's hard to know where the line is, blogging. I have hurt people's feelings before without meaning to, because of something taken the wrong way, or because they miss the point, or because what I think of as funny they find insulting... Sometimes it's hard to know where to draw the line.

This can be especially true when it comes to your family. Especially kids. For example, last year I was struggling with the decision to place Nicholas in the Transition class. While I went ahead and spoke about my doubts and my fears, I did it because he was six. But when he is ten, and struggling with school, I don't think I will be able to post as freely. At some point it becomes more about him than about me, and I no longer have the right to write about his life in such a public way.

And nothing huge is going on. But as he gets older and we butt heads or he acts out, I feel less and less confident writing about it here. It isn't fair to him for me to report to the world each time he does something I don't like. But it's hard, because I struggle sometimes with what to do.

I can tell you this: Nick did not get his next belt in Karate this month. A few other kids did, and that upset him, especially since he's been doing karate longer than some of the kids. He went ahead and spoke to his Kyoshi, and she said he was on the list to test in September, and told him what he should work on to do well. This has a happy ending. Or at least it will if he works at it, which is the point. I was proud of Nick for taking the initiative to ask his teacher what he needs to do to get what he wants. Knowing that he has the power to seek out information, and that he has the responsibility and ability to learn it, this will be good for his self confidence in the long run, I think.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Wow! That is an extremely grown-up ting for Nick to have done. I am impressed & will keep my fingers crossed that he passes on to the next belt without a hitch in September.

Susan's Losin' said...

It may sound old fashioned, but getting everything you try for without a struggle doesn't really prepare you for life. We want our kids to always be happy and therefore never experience any kind of set back. But he will remember how hard he worked to succeed and that's a good thing. The things that come easily are soon forgotten and often undervalued. This is all part of growing up. And good for him that he took the initiative and spoke to his teacher. That he took steps to try to get what he wants took courage and that's worth a lot of praise.