Thursday, December 01, 2011

Holiday Decorating

It's December. It's officially time to decorate!

The main Holiday Decoration in our home is, apparently, dust. At least that's what it seems to be. All of the junk I dragged out of the basement is covered with it.

I have also done a little Holiday Reorganizing on this blog.

I have added a list of links over to the left. The Holiday Cheer links are to music, books, and movies that might add a little something to your holiday season. So far, there are only a couple of things there, and they are the same old things I talk about every single year. But maybe there will be new things, new exciting things! So keep looking.

The Holidays Past links are links to older posts on this blog. I went through the posts I wrote in December, and these are what I thought were the very best, or at least most interesting, holiday posts. There are a couple of videos. The boys are so so young. I cried. Now I dare you to not go look at them.

Also, if you're wondering what to get us for Christmas, but missed that post, the link is up top. But I have a feeling most people are going to give us socks. That's OK, though. We love socks!

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Socks are second only to fluffy pajamas!