Thursday, December 22, 2011

Schedule - Ho Ho Ho!

Yesterday was Polar Express day for Nate. Today is Polar Express day for Nick. They are both going to school in PJ's. But Nick has gym so needs sneakers and both boys need to turn in their library books.

Andy has no school today, but has gone off shopping with Steve.

Today I will clean the house, take the cat to the vet (again!) and this afternoon the boys will put together 1 gingerbread house and 1 gingerbread train, and Steve will take Nick to get his hair cut. And then tonight I will make raviolis for dinner and then we will watch the end of The Grinch.

The End! Hope your days is fine, too!

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Mmmm, raviolis! And gingerbread too! Sounds like perfect Christmas traditions! Maybe they'll make gingerbread houses with their kids one day!