Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I won't be winning any beauty contests. Well, what do YOU look like first thing in the morning?

Last night Nathan went through about 7 sleep outfits. either spitting up or peeing on all of them. I got about 4 hours pf sleep, total. At 5am he peed through his last outfit and I had to go into Nick's room to get a new one. Needless to say, Nick woke up and screamed when I told him to go back to sleep.

This morning we went to Wal-Mart to buy a few items, including sheets for Nick's new bed. I spent the entire trip shouting "Nick! Nick! This way! Follow me! Nick!" It sounded like I was calling my hyperactive dog. Nate was either soundly asleep or screaming his brains out. Once our shopping was done I had the choice between 100 different self-checkout machines or one checkout person at the very end. There were 5 people with very full carts ahead of me on line, and there was no conveyer belt. Someone else was walking up and down the line, asking people if they wanted to try out the self cheking lines. Now, I KNOW there are some magical people who are able to use the self checker thingies, but I always get into a fight with them. Besides, I am not the kind of person they were meant for. They were created for the guy buying a hammer and a bag of jerky, not for a lady with a toddler running around, an infant screaming, and a cart full of cat litter, diapers, and various other items. I DARED the woman with my eyes to ask me to try one out, just so I could snap at her.

We survived Wal-Mart. But today during nap, although Nate slept the whole time, Nicholas DID NOT. Instead I could hear him playing in his crib, and then eventually screaming with the agony of being in there when all his stuffed animals and blankets were on the floor, where he had thrown them. I had to stay in bed listening to him scream and calm myself down, because I was so mad at him for keeping me from napping.

We got outside for a few minutes, because I couldn't stand the sight of Nick pounding on the door in tears asking to go play OUTSIDE. I did 3 loads of laundry. We made cookies... I finally reached the point where I thought the day would end peacefully.

And Steve just called from a business trip, letting me know he would be home late AGAIN. Which may not mean much, but he hasn't actually GONE anywhere - he's home every night. But Nicholas hasn't seen him in three days, and getting the boys bathed and fed and into bed is SO MUCH easier when he's here. Not that it's Steve's fault - because he can't help how long these meetings go. But it would be so much easier to have someone to be angry AT. Besides myself, for parking Nick in front of the TV for so much of the day.

BY THE WAY - when this photo was taken I was really surprised that I looked so bad. I thought I had a wide, winning smile on my face. Instead, it looks as though I've been up all night smoking illegal substances. Which is too bad, because I wasn't having nearly that much fun.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Those walmart self checkout things are ridiculous. I had never seen one until I was in the middle of nowhere Colorado last summer and I sat there playing with the thing, kindof hitting it like a monkey for 5 minutes so that it'd work. By the way, you DO have a winning smile in that photograph, regardless of what you think.