Friday, February 03, 2006

If you could be anywhere, where would it be?

You know how some days you wake up without enough sleep, and your mood is so raw that all anyone has to do is look at you wrong and you either cry or pounce on them in an attempt to rip their throats out?
Well, technically, that's NOT me today.
"Waking up" would imply that I actually SLEPT.
Which is not the case.
See, Nicholas has a cold, which means he was up about 10 different times last night, in tears, screaming, and completely miserable.
But he and Nate seem to time their sleep schedules. They take turns, refusing to sleep at the same time. Which means that as soon as I was able to get Nate down Nick would start screaming, and as soon as I would climb into bed after NIck was settled Nate would start grunting and fussing... The only "sleep" I got was with Nate on my chest, where he would finally stop making those noises.

This morning Nate will not wake up. Nicholas is quietly watching TV, although he still refuses medication, or even food or juice. And I have a pounding headache and wish I could crawl into bed for about a month. And Steve is upset at me about last night, as if I had engineered the whole thing specifically to deprive him of sleep.

Which, of course, is true. I have complete control over everything each of my babies do. I just get a kick out of irritating others and driving myself insane. Someone stop me, please. I might need to be committed and given a drug to keep me asleep for four or five days.

1 comment:

Debs said...

I would love to come babysit to give to time to sleep but
a) I'm a complete stranger and you'd have to get to know me before trusting me with such adorable kids (I'm not saying I'm not trustworthy,just that you have to be careful!),
b) I'm about 3878 miles (6240 km) away (I didn't just make that number up, I calculated it on a webpage I found).
All the best with sleep for tonight :-)