Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ladybug Picnic

It turns out Nicholas has an ear infection.

These days they do not always perscribe antibiotics for ear infections. They want our body to build up an immunity... and they do NOT want the little bacteria causing ear infections to become immune to the antibiotics.

Our pediatrician gave us antibiotics anyway. She said the ear was mildly infected, but she couldn't tell if it would just get better or get a lot worse. Plus, he'd had this cough for a while, plus, it was a Friday. I will take this moment to LOVE my pediatrician because she GETS THIS! She also always asks about whichever kid is not there at the moment. She asks how I am doing, and she will laugh with me about stupid things like traveling with babies or kids not sleeping at night like they should.

Anyway, despite the anitibiotics, last night was not any better. Mostly because Nate is the one not sleeping at night, and he does NOT have an ear infection. I ham drawing up a "Get Nate To Sleep" plan which involves, basically, leaving him in his crib while he screams.

Well... it's harder than you think.

1 comment:

Debs said...

Be strong, you can do it. I hear ear-plugs (for you) might help?!?!
I hope peace and calm are restored soon. Hurrah for antibiotics (I'm on some at the moment as well - sometimes it gets to the point that nothing else is gonnna work!)