Sunday, September 10, 2006


Not about going to NY. Some of you people actually saw me there. But I didn't post while I was there. Not once. I didn't even check my email.

I had a perfect plan. We'd drive down Thursday. Steve would work Friday and I would stroll around Central Park with Lillian and the boys. We'd have drinks and dinner and I would get to see Linda and Larissa. Saturday we would wake up bright and early, making it to the Bronx Zoo by the time it opened. We would then visit every single attraction the zoo had, bringing us to late afternoon. Then we'd go out for dinner and leave the next morning.

Here's what actually happened: Nicholas started getting a fever before we even laft New Hampshire. I was sure it was just a fluke, and that he would be fine the next morning. Instead, the fever kept going up, up, up and away. Friday morning he was fine, and we walked in Central Park, but after Lunch it skyrocketed to a neat 103. We came to terms with the fact that the zoo would have to happen another time, and prepared to go home Saturday.

Saturday morning Nick's temperature was 97.9. It was as if he realized that sick = no zoo, and his body made a miraculous recovery.

My Dad and my brother came to the zoo with us, and as usualy when you are dealing with so many people with different lives, we got a later start than we had planned. The zoo was fantastic. FANTASTIC! It was fun and clean, and some parts under construction. We saw maybe a third of it before our legs fell right off our bodies and we had to roll back to our cars. Or fly, actually, thanks to the SkyFari.

Then, just before bed, Nathan started running a temerature. And he did all through the night. And now we're home, and that's where we are.

the end


Debs said...

Glad to hear you're back safe. Well maybe this trip just confirms that life is never boring when your two boys are involved! The zoo sounds great fun.

Anonymous said...

Wahhhhh! I got to the apt just a few minutes after you all left for the zoo-hoo-hoo. Wahhhhhh, wahhhh wahhhh. Sniff. Sniff.

But the day before, I got to see you & those little bunnies! :-)!!