Monday, October 09, 2006

Look Mommy! He's Staying with me!

When my friend Alee was a little girl she got a kitten. She would clutch the kitten to her body, longing for the cuddly closeness a kitten promises. The cat would be a wriggling mass of legs and fur and trying to escape. And Alee would just squeeze it closer and shout "Look, Mommy! He's satying with me!"

Sometimes I feel that way with Nate. I love nothing more than to rub my face next to his, to breathe in the baby shampoo smell, and to feel the softness of his skin and his hair. But I can only do it when he's asleep. Otherwise he's all wriggling and claws and trying to bite my face off... he's playing, but his nails hurt, and he has a few teeth now, and he really wants to get down and wander around the house so that he can find paper to eat.


Anonymous said...

I love that boy! But just one question: Is that a photo glitch just under his nose or is he now adding runny boogers to the drool? Hi, Nick! I see your shoulder in the photo of Droolio; I love you too!!

Debs said...

But Mummy, paper tastes so good!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! i made it into your blog. that's so exciting!! just keep hugging him close fleen and eventually he'll get it. you may get some stratches but it's worth it:)
