Saturday, October 07, 2006

Please and Thank You

This is a picture of Nicholas when he was sick. You can see a little bit of the ear sticking out in this image. You can also see how tired and completely worn out he was. He is much, much better now.

Even when he was very sick, Nick said Thank You. He doesn't always say it to other people, but he says it to me and Steve a lot! In the middle of the night, when he calls out for water and I bring it to him, he says "Ganks, Mama!" And at dinner, when Steve hands Nick a roll or a tomato, he says "A Pamato! Gank you so much!"

No matter how hard I try, though, I can't get him to say PLEASE. He only says it if he REALLY REALLY wants something, and usually it's to Nathan, who is immune to manners. It just doesn't make sense to me. Of the two, Thank You should be the hardest to reinforce. If he wants something, he must say Please to get it. Or he doesn't get it. We've actually had a few meltdowns because I withhold something for the please. But I can't withold everything. The kid needs to eat. Besides, most of the time he doesn't WANT to eat. So it's us saying "PLEASE EAT!"

But Thank You... he already has the prize. So there is no real need for him to learn the Thank You. He already has what he wants. But he chooses to say it anyway.

Have I lost everyone yet?


Anonymous said...

Oooo! He looks stoned & out of it! No wonder he's not hungry. I'm glad to hear he's feeling better & is thankful for nearly everything you do for him!

Debs said...

Maybe you need to teach him the difference between a roll and a tomato (if that confuses you, see what you wrote)

Anonymous said...

How can you withhold ANYTHING from that face?!?!

So glad he's feeling better.