When April Showers
Come your way
They bring the flowers
That bloom in May...
Unless, of course, your shower happens to be made of snow, in which case the shower will KILL YOUR FLOWERS DEAD!
Let me explain. I am ready for spring. The schedule says Spring - for over a week now. And I have been getting ready - putting away humidifiers, getting out the gardening stuff, buying spring clothing for the boys...
Yesterday was overcast and rainy. Until about two thirty when I looked out the window and saw snowflakes the size of dinner plates falling to the ground. By the time I got Nick home from school the ground was covered. And by this morning we had six inches.
All told, six inches is not a lot. Except that it's April, and those six inches are sitting on top of my tulip buds.
Add to that the fact that we woke up with NO ELECTRICITY, throwing us back to this January, when the ice left us in the dark and the cold for three days.
Of course, it was thirty degrees colder then, so it wasn't as cold in the house. And I was fairly optimistic about having power sooner rather than later. And I was right. But it was still a pain to not be able to make coffee, to worry about the meat I had purchased the DAY BEFORE going bad, and listening to Nick ask "Why can't we watch TV? Is the TV broken? Let's watch TV in your room. It's broken? What's wrong with the radio? OK, then what's wrong with THIS radio? Let's play the computer. It's not working? OK, then let's watch TV..."
I'm a little heartbroken about my tulips.
1 comment:
We too are experiencing whacky weather! Today I was walking in Chinatown, the sun was blazing & the snow was falling in big fluffy flakes! But I did have hot water & electricity. Perhaps the tulips just went into a temporary shock & will come back when the sun comes out -- I have faith.
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