Monday, September 29, 2008


Ever since we got back from vacation, Nick has been asking when we are going to bunk his and Nathan's beds. It can be done. The reason we got those particular beds was because they could be bunked. But I don't want to do it yet because the younger boys are... so young. And I know Nathan will start jumping off the top bunk immediately and will keep going until he jumps through the floor into the dining room. I told Nick we could start talking about it when he turns five.

Last night I went in to check on the boys and I saw that, after I had tucked them in, Nick had gotten up and dumped out two of the small toy bins. He had placed them on the floor next to his bed, side by side, and in them he had carefully placed Shane and Strawberry Shane, his babies. He was putting them to sleep in their own beds.

It breaks my heart because it's more care than I ever gave any doll of my own.


Jamie said...

he'll make an awesome dad one day

Debs said...

I can't believe how big your boys have got. I'm still here, reading, even if I've got terrible at commenting.

Jean C said...

Mom and Dad have set a good example for him -- how sweet.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Awwwww! Cute, cute, cute! The pictures AND the dollies!