Our town has no public kindergarten. Which is stupid. But apparently putting one in wasn't a priority for the town because A) most kids attended private kindergarten anyway and B) the town didn't have it's own High School, and that was more to think about.
A few years ago a bill was passed that made pubic kindergarten mandatory. Our town got an extension. And here I was, scanning the local papers for news because the extension meant that Nick would be in the very first public kindergarten class.
Well, nothing, nothing, and more nothing. The first thing I read about it was Friday, where one of the free papers reported that they had, indeed, decided to go ahead and implement the pub;ic kindergarten. But they didn't know where the money was coming from, or where it would be located, although it was a safe bet the class would be in trailers at one of the existing elementary schools. And they weren't sure how they were going to deal with the transition into 1st grade... And all I could think of was COME ON! For the past two years even I have known about these issues. I don't have answers (well, I have some) but at least I knew they had to be addressed. And our stupid school board puts it all on the backburner until the last minute. I don't get it. I just don't.
Nato looks about as p'd off as you are about the school situation. Maybe it's time for you to run for some position on the school board? Hey! You've got 3 kids who will be attending. Why not get involved now? You have early education background & you would be pretty much keeping the hours they would once they're all in class full-time. Think about it. Remember, Sarah Palin did it!
That's ridiculous. I hate your town. Linda might actually be on to something. So is there a plan B for Nicholas in case public school doesn't work out for Nick this year?
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