Friday, January 02, 2009

Andy Attack

Andy can now reach up and grab things from the table, such as silverware, cookies, and uncapped pens.

He now not only can go UP the stairs, he also can go down, but 50% of the time he falls.

He loves to sit on the couch and the bed.

He knows about chocolate, shrimp, and bagels. If you eat anything around him, he will cry until you give him some. Then he's very likely to simply turn around and feed it to the dog.

He loves his toothbrush.

He also loves books. I swear he says "Book." Only when he says it, it sounds more like... "Kugh." He says it often enough when he's waving one around, though, so I'm pretty sure that's what he's trying to say.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Andy is sooooo smart! Soon he'll be dashing up & down the steps by twos without skipping a beat to grab a book to read to you!