Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Link link link

I don't know if you've noticed, but I've added a couple of new "places to go." If you have time, check them out.

I monitor the sites I post links to, and after a few months of inactivity, I remove it from my list. If you're resurrecting a site I used to include, please let me know!


Debs said...

I love the blog of unnecessary quotation marks and cake wrecks! I'll have to check out some of the other links.

Oh, i always go to Dooce through your site and Zoobird.. I suppose i ought to actually save those links for myself, but i know you've got it covered!

Debs said...

Ellie Bean and Zoebird - that's the one I meant. Blame bad typing and memory in the first comment!