Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I try really hard in this blog not to come across as a crazy, paranoid person. Please forgive me if I occasionally miss the mark. But today... today is one of those days I am not even going to try. I am letting go, and I'm planning on spouting out all sorts of words and sentences that will let you know, at last, that yes, I should be locked away and am unfit for society.

The weather is plotting against me. ME, specifically. Yeah yeah, ice storms all over, snow everywhere, but no, I happen to know it's really ME the snow and ice is trying to drive insane. How do I know?

People: I HAVE NO LIFE! Sure, I have kids, and I have this house, and I'm busy all the time doing laundry and cleaning and driving kids to school and all that, but... There's very little to actually get excited about. I get worked up about a kid's yearly check-up a week ahead of time. I get WAY too excited about the movies coming in on Netflix. I even look forward to "bike day" at the kids' school.

This fall we joined a church. And I love it because this particular church does not require me to stop wondering if there is even a God, and lets me feel magic and spiritual in the way I love best - by singing. I LOVE the singing even if the songs are sometimes hokey and we sound terrible doing it. I look forward to the rehearsals and to the services, and I am never as happy as I am when I am actually singing.

Choir rehearsals are Wednesday nights. Wednesday also happens to be Trash Pickup Day, and the day I do grocery shopping. It is also a school day for the boys. Every Wednesday but ONE this year we have had major ice and snow storms, and I have had to juggle the schedule to try to get food for us to eat, to get the trash to balance precariously on the mountain of snow at the foot of our driveway, And to risk my LIFE getting to choir rehearsals because if I'm going to be at home all day with the boys, I sure as heck-fire and gonna let loose and sing some "Spirit of Creation" afterward.

I happen to know it's also snowing this week because of the trip to NY I was planning. I was planning on leaving tomorrow, because the boys had school today. Which they no longer have. But leaving now would be insanity, right? Not to mention the fact that Nick's Parent/Teacher conference is now rescheduled to the day and TIME I have my Doctor's appointment - not a kid's, but MINE.

People, we've had enough snow. Look at the pictures. They do not lie. And this is after the snow has gone down for over a week. I can tell because I can see the handles of the boys shovels and the head of the snowman we built LAST MONTH. And these pictures - I just took them. They say we'll get a foot of snow on top of this.

I hate it here. I hate it. I'm looking forward to freaking global warming. And I'm going to run the car in the driveway right now for no reason just to speed up the process. so there!


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Okay, okay, okay. Hmm, I know it's not okay. But there are Christmas presents in a bag in your mother's office for you, Steve & the boys...if you get here. If not, you'll get them next Christmas...maybe.

And remember tell Steve: Ask me about cheese!

Anonymous said...

Know what you mean about singing. i used to live for Friday nights for the same reason. Hope you felt a bit better having had a rant.

Jamie said...

You should move to Westchester. It still snows there, but it's not half as bad as this nonsense you put up with on a regular basis.