Monday, January 05, 2009

Robot Cupcakes

For his birthday, Nathan wants Wall-E cupcakes.

During moments of insanity, I have actually shown him cupcakes and cakes and other Wall-E food products online. Like this.

Or this.

Or maybe this?

There are so many.

Seriously, if you have time, try the links. There's a really good Wall-E cake that looks just like the robot, some cute cupcakes, and a killer Wall-E made out of sushi.

But I am terrified because now Nate's birthday is two weeks away, and we've been looking at all these beautiful baked goods, and all I know how to do is smear icing on a crumbly cake. The more I look at these cakes and all these wonderful cupcakes the more I need to learn how to use fondant. And the more helpless I feel because I know I'll never be able to learn how to use it by the 16th, and even if I DID... well, I've never been artistic. I figure if all I can make out of playdough is a meatball and a snail, I probably don't have that much hope of being able to sculpt a miniature robot out of icing.

I hope the party store has some good Wall-E cake toppers.


g. fox said...

I think you could probably do some amazing things with marzipan. I wish Winston and I lived closer so I could help you! good luck, hot mama!

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

For all those of us whose imaginations (sadly) far exceed our artistic abilities & our time constraints, there is always a creative & helpful bakery not too far away. Or maybe a friend/neighbor who can make our dreams realities. Whatever you do rest assured Nate will be thrilled & he will remember you did it for him!

Lou said...

This is all you need.

Debs said...

I know this is so not helpful, but IF it were to go wrong, at least you'd have something to send to cake wrecks ;)