Saturday, April 02, 2011

Ghost of Tetris

We had Tetris for our Nintendo when I was a kid. One day, the game cartridge disappeared, and we never figured out what happened to it. But the thing about Tetris is, the game stayed with you.

You spend the whole game trying to fit shapes together, and you do this over and over and over. And then your mother calls you to the dinner table, and you realize that your brain is trying to fit the curve of the serving platter to the curve of a spoon. The carrots on your plate might fit well into this steak. The game haunts you.

I found this game on my iPad call Mysteriez. I might be spelling that wrong. It's hard, because the creators of the game purposely misspelled the word, so now I have no idea how to misspell it. Anyway, I've been playing this game for a few days now, and it's getting to me.

The name of the game, aside from being misspelled, is misleading. There is no mystery involved. Instead, there are a series of pictures, and each picture has the numbers 1 - 40 hidden somewhere in them. And I have five minutes to find them all. And it's harder than you think.

I am not recommending this game, mind you. It's the kind of game that's a quick brain teaser when I'm waiting to pick up Nick or stuck in a waiting room, but it's not all that entertaining.

My trouble is, I've been playing them a lot lately. And now I realize I'm finding numbers everywhere. In tree branches, in my breakfast cereal, in the laundry... I see fours and fives and sometimes a roman numeral ten... numbers everywhere.

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