Friday, April 01, 2011

The April Fool

In '97 it snowed on April 1st. Feet of snow fell from the sky. No joking.

I remember because I worked at a preschool, and I got the day off. I spent the day in my shirtsleeves digging out my car. It was fifty degrees and warm.

Today is April 1st. We were forcast 6 to 12 inches. The weather site Steve was on actually said "This is not an April Fool's Day Joke" so that people would take it seriously.

I hate snow. I hate it I hate it I hate it.

Spring is here. It's April. The flowers have started growing, I've restarted my compost, and I have seedling in my windowsill.

And the kids are home from school because it's a SNOW DAY.

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