Saturday, November 12, 2011


I just wrote a post to go along with a video of the boys I took playing "The 99" where Nick was a waiter at the 99, and he was taking orders from a kid's menu we had cluttering up the kitchen.

Only the video turned out to be more than 3 times too large to be uploaded.

It's too bad, really. I had another video of Puck trying to open a cabinet door - the cabinet I now keep the cat food in.

It's frustrating. It means I have to take very quick videos. And I'm not so good at them, anyway.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Noooooooooo! I want to see them both!!

Chad said...

There are ways to reduce the file size. You should be able to reduce them enough to post them. Let me know if you need help.