If you've been checking this blog regularly, you might have noticed some changes. Maybe? In background color, font, etc? I've been playing around with the different templates, trying to find one that I like better. I don't know if I'm done yet, but comments and feedback are more than welcome.
Part of the motivation for the change is due to Styled Right, which I've added to my Places To Go. Sure, it's about style and fashion, and I am, as you know, the most unfashionable person on this planet and all that. But I have found that I can relate to it. It's written by someone I know, written well, and I encourage everyone to check it out.
I've also added Travel Monkeys, a for those who enjoy travel stories. I haven't been following this one for long, but I like it. And again, I have met the blogger. She's super cool.
Finally, I've added Cake Wrecks, for those who enjoy cake. Particularly cakes that are either odd or messed up in some way. I mean, would you pay for this wedding cake? Or how about this cake right here? I love this site. I have never met the blogger. But she must be great because she blogs about cakes.
Finally, I got rid of some sites that haven't been updated in a while. If it's one of yours and you start blogging again, tell me. Blogger makes it easy to put the links back up!
And now I must go and fold laundry, think about dinner, and hope no one steps on the baby's fingers.
Dinner? What's for dinner & will there be cake...or better yet -- PIE????? I love pie mmmmmmmmmmmmm pie.
MY EYES! MY EYES! Hate this burnt orange colour! Plz change it before I go blind!
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