Saturday, September 13, 2008

He's My Brother

I know I've mentioned Nick's imaginary friend, Mario.

Steve has finally gotten a copy of MarioKart for the Wii. It's fun! And it can be played online, too! So anyone that has a Wii, get MarioKart, and we can play together, even if you're say, in New York, Seattle, LA, etc.

Nick and Nate love to play, too. But ever since playing the game, Nathan has adopted a new "friend" of his own.

The other day I heard him yelling. "No! Stop! I mad at you!" and I caled out "Nathan, why are you angry? What's going on?" to which he replied "I'm not talkin to you! I talkin to Puigi!"

Yes, we've told him it's Luigi, with an L, but he doesn't seem to get it. Puigi it is. Mario's brother.



Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Wiiiii...or is it Wheeeeeeeee!!?? I can't relate to the Wii thing, but the pure unadulterated excitement that comes from freewheeling down the driveway into the grass on a bike?? I am soooooo there! C'mon, Mario, Puigi, Nick & Nate! Let's gooooooooooooooo!

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

O, yeah, one more thing: Remember Oppidoo!

Jamie said...

wow, they're going really fast!