Monday, May 10, 2010

Let Me Explain

I feel I have to clear up something, or a few somethings, from my last post.

First of all, yes, THAT French teacher totally talked about his love life, all in the past tense. Even then. It was painful for everyone.

Secondly, I didn't mean to offend anyone, especially not my mother, when I was spoke about wanting to get far, far away from home. I think wanting to put distance between one's self and one's mother is a natural thing. My point was that, once I had a child, and each day as I raise these children, I understand more and more of where she was coming from and why she did the things she did. She is also the only person I can speak to about certain child related things. I'm getting off topic. The point was, the post was supposed to be POSITIVE, and in no way bad, so I apologize if anyone took it as such. Especially my mom.

I am aware that my posts aren't always well written, and that they are frequently abrupt or seem incomplete. Or random. There is a good reason for that. See, most of these posts are written as I'm cooking dinner or giving the kids a bath. When I'm cooking I'm probably burning something, and trying to convince a child he'd rather be in the living room. When the kids are in the bath I'm dodging the drops of water they are spitting at each other and pushing a boys back in the tub with my foot. "I'll be done in two minutes! Get back in. The water's not THAT cold!"

There simply isn't enough time in the day for me. I heard someone describe this as "doing a little of a hundred things, but not much of anything." And sitting down for twenty minutes to think and type really is asking a lot. Sorry if it makes the reading more difficult. I'll keep working at it.

In the meantime, here's Andy eating a snicker's bar.


g. fox said...

Funny, I think your posts are wonderful. Especially the last one. And I totally understood, as I'm sure your mom did as well. That in being a mother, you learned greater respect for your own.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Andy looks a lot like Fred (my dog) did when I stuck peanut butter under his top teeth -- they love it, their jaw gets quite the workout & it's excellent to watch! You are the best mommy!