Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Monday I took Andy to the doctor. He had Strep Throat, too. How was I to know that's what he meant when he told me his mouth hurt?

The church choir I'm in is also participating in a performance in a little more than a week. (May 21st, 7:30om) It's a concert in memory of a young woman who was killed earlier this year, and the proceeds are going to a domestic violence prevention group or alliance. Or something.

You can see I haven't got it all together. In fact, I'm exhausted. I'm going to extra rehearsals and trying to remember to dose out the pink stuff and juggling the cat's thyroid medication while trying to convince Steve that it's necessary. I'm trying to plan a kid's birthday party (Nick), can't figure out why yesterday's video isn't working, and I'm probably fighting off Strep myself, but I'm also stupidly determined to keep running (despite my knee getting wonky again) and pulling out the brambly brushy Audry 2 beings in the yard.

So... yes. I'm tired and cranky and I look like the undead. And I forgot to post yesterday. Shoot.


Jamie said...

I love you! Don't get strep too! I had to stop running on the treadmill because of my knees and back. I use an elliptical now and I don't have the same problems anymore. Something you might want to consider later on.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Listen to Jamie -- Get on the elliptical! It will save your knees. You have a full plate every day & can't afford not to feel tip-top every day. Feel better all you NH-people!

Anonymous said...


Who told you I was Offended? I thought the Mother's Day post was wonderful. I felt vindicated! Believe me, I know what you're going through. And I am totally sympathetic. I had it a lot easier than you because, you may remember, I had my mama! Also I had a ton of help of the hired variety. Don't listen to your siblings. They are always going to say I loved them best! Sorry about Andy, but I am not surprised. I guess Nick is next. Hope it misses his birthday! Big hugs and kisses for everybody.

Jean the Mom