Monday, January 01, 2007

How 2007 Begins

They say to look your best you should stand next to someone who is less attractive than you are. I mean, everything is relative, right? If you hit your head with a hammer it feels good when you stop. Or so they tell me.

The night BEFORE last Nicholas got some sort of Stomach bug. At first he woke up a couple of times crying and saying he was scared, and then h started coughing, which turned into vomiting... a 102.6 fever and three loads of laundry. (sheets, towels, Nick's pyjamas. My pyjamas.) The poor boy threw up until nothing was left in his system, but didn't feel up to eating lunch. Finally, after nap, he started coming round and acting himself.

I can remember New Years Eves... not too long ago, either, where I went out and had fun. I went to an Alice In Wonderland party. I ended up hiccupping on a T platform with a balloon tied to my coat. I saw the ball drop in Colorado. I saw the crowd gather in Times Square - or actually many, many blocks from Times Square, but the people in the street didn't seem to notice. I was watching from a window.

Last night Steve and I watched TV. We saw the end of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" which I just don't like. We say some Three Stooges. We saw some Family Guy. I even saw some Liza - a YOUNG Liza, dancing around it what looked like a sequined T-shirt and nothing else. And we saw maybe half of The Magnificent Seven before I decided it was late and I had to go to bed. It was 10:30. TEN THIRTY! I was so tired. I felt so old.

Of course, Nick was awake when I did my nightly peek-in. So we used the potty and said good night to Steve (actually, we woke him up and he decided to go to bed, too.) But then Nick just wouldn't settle. He would let me crawl into bed and start to drift... he really was trying... and then the "Mommy! Mommy!" thing would start. Every few hours this went on. So I actually DID see the New Year in.

It was better than I had expected, though, because even though I felt a bit old and fuddy duddy and yes, even a bit left out because I knew people I know were out there shouting WHOOHOO! I wasn't sick. I wasn't throwing up and taking care of feverish, buggy, puking children. So I was happy and content. Mostly.

1 comment:

Debs said...

Happy New Year. I hope your house manages to stay puke free for the foreseeable future!