Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All I Have To Say

The last time we spoke, which was last week sometime, Winston said to me "Why is it that every time we have Thanksgiving at your house the Red Sox win the World Series?" At the time, they hadn't won yet. But now they have. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

It has reached the point in my pregnancy where I am insane with discomfort and hormonal imbalance. Each time I sit down to post I have to stop myself from typing up a list of things I have done, or need to do. Very little of it has to do with anything remotely exciting or funny, and more of it has to do with shopping lists and cleaning and movies or TV shows I might have watched. And honestly, who cares?

So I promise to do my best and keep this blog as interesting as I can. It means the posts will probably get shorter and shorter. A couple of weeks from now I may simply be posting a word or two. Like "duh" or "Ptthhhhb" or "cheese fries."


Jamie said...

Is this two consecutive days of Nathan wearing a helmet outdoors? Or are these two photographs from the same day?

Anonymous said...

Post whatever you feel like Kathleen. It's all OK. Especially the pictures.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

In case you haven't noticed, no one seems to be payng much attention to what you're writing. Everyone is commenting on the pictures. So, post what you like, one word sub-vocal grunts, nonsense syllables, random strings of letters or even numbers or icons. It doesn't matter...as long as you post a picture!!! AFTER the new baby, we will demand you be coherent!

Lou said...

Wow. I didn't even know the World Series was over - or that the Red Sox were even playing in it. This is what newborn twins do to you I guess.