You find ticks on pets all the time. Even with the Tick stuff we put on them, the little buggers find places to cling on. So I didn't think TOO much of it. I grabbed some liquid hand soap and placed in on a cotton ball because I had heard that this would help the tick back out... but it didn't work. Instead I ended up ripping the tick in half. As I was trying to assess the damage to my cat, I noticed the second tick... and shortly after that the third, and then the fourth...
All in all there were six ticks I found on my cat. At the end of the procedure his long fur was matted with peach scented hand soap and alcohol. None of the ticks got out completely - the were all alive and moving around when I found them. I need new tweezers.
And that started off my day. I also wanted to describe what happened when we got home from picking Nick UP from school, which isn't much. It's just that Nicholas plonked his stuff onto the counter, spilling the one glass of water that was up there all over the mail. Nathan immediately began crying for milk. While I was still cleaning up the mess Nathan found a picture we had floating around of Nick and Steve. When Nick saw that Nate had it he grabbed it away, and when I insisted that he return it, instead of just handing it over, he crumpled it up so that Nathan wouldn't get it and threw it on the floor. Nicholas cried when I put him in Time Out, and kept crying. Nathan cried and followed me around as I was trying to clean up all the wet papery cluttery mess that our kitchen had become since we walked through the door. Nathan kept holding out the photo and saying "Uh-oh! Uh-oh!" as though I were supposed to fix it. But the thing was, I couldn't. And I couldn't get Nate to understand it.
SO eventually I just yelled that if everyone didn't stop screaming and crying I was going to send everyone to bed RIGHT NOW! Way to go, Me. When Steve came home I was in a very bad mood, and I couldn't explain just why...
O, no! What a day! Any part of it would have made me scream in anger at anyone who looked at me.
Confession is good for the soul but for the rest of us it makes interesting reading.
Confession is good for the soul but for the rest of us it makes interesting reading.
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