Monday, October 08, 2007

Just a Moment

The boys have started waking up at 5am once again, despite the fact that it is PITCH dark out at that hour, and that Nate is also falling asleep later and later thanks to his not ever wanting to go to sleep and his twisting and turning and moving for no reason I can see except to stay awake. They wake each other up at this awful hour, and then spend the next 45 minutes running back and forth to the bathroom, where Nicholas pees and Nathan splashes in the toilet up to his elbows. I have told them they must stay in bed and play quietly, but apparently they don't realize that banging their toys on the walls and bed frames actually makes noise. As do 90% of the toys they own.

Anyway, yesterday was tough for me. I took them downstairs and turned on the TV. Nicholas stretched out next to me on the couch as I sniffled and closed my eyes and tried to get a few more minutes of sleep. At one point he turned to me and whispered "I can feel the baby kicking." And the thing was, the baby WAS kicking. And punching and cartwheeling. But I have grown so accustomed to the movements in my belly that I hardly pay attention unless it's a really good shot to my bladder or rib cage or other organ I rely on for life.

It kind of made my day, Nicholas saying that. He really is aware of the fact that there is a BABY in there, and that the baby MOVES, and that the baby is one day going to COME OUT. He draws pictures for the baby, and talks about the baby, and now today he wants to bring this doll to school instead of a stuffed animal to sleep with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick is going to make the greatest big brother. So will Nate (eventually).

I'm enjoying all the great pictures.

Nate looks like a big boy ready for school here.