Friday, June 13, 2008


As I mentioned in a few previous posts, I am now feeding Andrew "solid" food. Meaning that I feed him mush from plastic containers with pictures of real food on them. So far he likes yellow, loves orange, hates green. We've even progressed to the "Stage 2" series, the ones that actually MIX the foods together, and are supposed to be even MORE solid, but to tell you the truth I think it's the same junk in a bigger container. Which is why we get it - the bigger container.

Anyway, Andrew's appetite ranges from eating a few bites and then sputtering mush all over the place with his lips (green) to swallowing everything and crying because I have the audacity to start CLEANING UP!

But no matter what, he is always cranky when the family sits down to dinner. Now I make a habit of feeding him BEFORE dinner. I know it isn't fair, but I have this thing about wanting to eat my own dinner without getting mushed squash up to my elbow or interrupting to wrestle a spoon away from a soggy green mass of baby fist. So when we sit down to eat, Andy is in his high chair with NO FOOD! I have started giving him a few stars, little melty puffs, and he attacks them and grabs them in a soggy fist and then tries to get them into his mouth, but mostly he misses and they stick to his hand until he has ten of them there, and no more in front of him, and he starts crying because HE CAN'T FIND THEM!

But mostly Andy wants what we have. And we can't give it to him because he has no teeth.

Tonight, though, I broke a rule. I actually fed Andy a tiny, crumb sized dot of Steve's Ice Cream Birthday Cake.

And he loved it.

He loved it so much, in fact, that he began screaming and reaching for my cake, and the screaming would reach an unholy level of rage whenever the fork passed him by and took the ice cream to my mouth instead of his.

Andy is not supposed to eat dairy because he's only 6 months and too young. But somehow I have already gotten him hooked on ice cream.

Oh, yeah. I'm that good.



Jamie said...

aww you've given him the forbidden fruit you can never go back!

Ron Newman said...

Where do you get Steve's Ice Cream these days?