Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pencil Me In

I've recently realized that I don't do scheduling very well.

Suddenly all of our activities are overlapping. For example, next weekend we have church with youth choir rehearsal at the same time as my writing group, which also interferes with a birthday party Nick is supposed to attend, which runs into Nick's T-ball practice. On a day when Steve needs to be at the boat.

We have a week to spend at a house on the Cape, but I can't decide which of the available weeks are best. The last week of school? The first week of school? Is it better to miss the doctor's appointment or the last week of T-ball?

I think it's just priorities, but each person in this house has a different set. When I am met with a list of our commitments I freeze up. I am unable to make any decision at all. Instead, I worry about it, picking it apart in my brain, imagining worst case scenarios and trying to find a solution where time will magically bend and all activities will fit into our lives in a simple "click."

1 comment:

among the savages said...

I can appreciate you delemma but have supreme confidence it's all gonna work out. Are there any pictures of your boat posted... Don't let the scheduling thing get to you.. take 10 deep breaths

Uncle Ken