Sunday, April 02, 2006

A list of failed cooking / baking experiences:

- That time I was 9 and added 2 cups of water to the mix instead of 1/2 a cup because I didn't see the 1/

- That time in high school I made the bluberry muffins and ended up with a broken finger defending them.

- That time in college my singing group made a bunch of peanut butter squares and I stepped in one of the finished ones, leaving a sock imprint we ended up cutting around before serving them to our paying audience.

- That time I was showing Betsy how I made chicken stir fry and ended up dropping the whole thing one the floor just as it finished.

- Every single time I made bacon when I lived with Miranda, because I set off the smoke alarm every single time.

- The time I made Lime Chicken for Steve and he said "How can you mess up chicken" just before taking a big bite and then looking at me as if to say "By Gum, She's gone and done it!"

- This time I made cookies - the really easy kind that are already in precut cookie shapes and all you have to do is pick them up and place them on a baking sheet... only I put cooking spray on the sheet first, so they all slid around into each other during baking giving me this wonderful melting clock effect:
- This time I made the brownies and then dropped the entire pan on the floor as I was removing it from the oven. I scooped it up and ate it anyway:

- Finally, last week after the brownie incident when I tried to make a whole chicken and forgot to take it out of the freezer and eneded up microwaving it for 30 minutes trying to defrost it and take the paper sack of intestines out, but only managing to cook parts of it while the insides remained to frozen to budge, and after soaking it in warm water for 20 more mintes I decided that feeding my family drain cleaner might be safer than feedin this psrticular chicken to my family.

I have never taken a cooking class. but I do cook something at least once every single day. I'm getting better, and I'm learning. But honestly, powders and prepackaged, frozen meals are getting better and better. So many days I wonder if it's worth the effort.


Jamie said...

i think you were making madelines when you broke your finger baking. and you forgot to mention that you were defending them from your pesky little brother when it broke. luckily, i don't have a kitchen here so all of my baking mishaps can go on haitus for a while.

Kathleen said...

Noooo... I KNOW it was Blueberry Muffins when I broke my finger - fighting with Winston because I kept making muffins and coming back to find them decapitated.
The madelines... every single time I made those I had a nervous breakdown for some reason. I'm afraid to make them again, just in case I go off the deep end.

LARISSA said...

kathleen, i feel i MUST defend your baking skills!!! We made fabulous christmas cookies every year together - every body loved them! Don't sell yourself short - and your madelines are delish!!

Anonymous said...

Oooo! I really like the cookies & I know Salvador Dali would be soo proud of you! They look exactly like his melting clocks! Keep at it -- it all improves over time.