Monday, January 28, 2008


I usually choose cable TV channels when watching TV with my kids, ones that are focused on small children with no commercials - or at least with no commercials for sugary cereals. Instead, in between shows, they have smaller shorts, or "videos" of characters singing.

The other day a song started up and I recognized the band. "Hey!" I shouted. "Is this They Might Be Giants?"

Nicholas shook his head. "No, Mommy. They ARE the Giants."


Jamie said...

hahahaha he's right. I never thought of it that way but the band name doesn't make any sense. they either are or are not giants. there should be nothing ambiguous about it.

Jules said...

I just love the stories of you and your kids! They bring such a smile to my face. I love you so much!

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Well, maybe they are & maybe they're not. Have you actually seen them? Have you seen them standing next to something that would indicate their size? Have you... O, nevermind. Jamie's right. Jamie's always right.