Nick and Nate love wearing hats inside for no reason. The other day I caught them wearing these hats with their names on them, and I just HAD to take a picture. I tried getting them to lean in towards each other, but instead of doing that they both leaned to the same side. Instead of looking offhandedly affectionate they looked like a couple of strange coneheads.
I had a meeting with Nick's teacher for his mid-year review.
Nate had a doctor's appointment yesterday. He scored in the 90'th percentile for weight. Nate was 32 pounds. Nicholas also stepped on the scale. Nick was 34 pounds. I know I'm not supposed to compare my kids, but they were standing there, side by side... I spoke to the doctor about it and she said not to worry because at this point he'd be at the 50th percentile if he was only 3 pounds lighter. All it will take is one growth spurt. And other than that he is normal and healthy and developing normally and also very cute.
Andy had a doctor's appointment last week, so while I'm at it... he is also at the 90th percentile for weight! But that's just cause he was born big. His head size, however, is at the 95th percentile. I could have told you he had a big head. He's still exclusively breastfed, which is working out great, for him, but which I am personally having some difficulty with. I'm not talking supply here, I'm talking pain. Which is exacerbated by the fact that he is now asking to be fed (and by asking I mean crying and sucking on my shirt) every 90 minutes. But I have enough to say about that to do a whole post on it, so I'll stop for now.
Go Team!!! Great scores all around. So cute with their hats too/
it's time to pump nicholas up with some of uncle winston's protein supplements.
Ooo, now if you could just teach them to say "We're from France" in that strange conehead accent!
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