Sunday, March 02, 2008

Cross, Cranky, and Crummy

It's not even 7am... on a SUNDAY... and I have already been awake for over two hours. Nicholas was awake at 4:30 with a dream and a cold, and spent the next 90 minutes trying to wake up the house by letting out a noise every two or three minutes, a screeching, yelling noise, as though he had just seem a wildebeest crawl out from under his bed. He woke up Andrew, who went back to sleep with a little nursing. He woke up Nathan, who climbed back into bed and pretended to sleep. I was sure everyone was actually awake and just pretending to sleep, until Steve started snoring in my ear.

The cats were awake. I could hear Frank meowing so loudly it sounded as though the wildebeest had migrated to the kitchen. Nicholas was still moaning. Steve snoring. I was in bed with my eyes clenched shut until I realized that I would probably feel better and less grumpy if I just GOT UP. For the record, I didn't feel less grumpy. I am not snippy and grumpy and simply thankful that the dog lady left us this HUGE mug the size of Montana the last time she was here. I have filled it up with coffee, which is too strong today. And now I am watching The Wiggles.

It's a kind of torture, I swear. If these weren't my children it would be cruel and unusual.

1 comment:

Jean C said...

Sorry you're feeling cross, cranky and crummy today, but your kids sure are cute, cuter and cutest.