Thursday, March 06, 2008

Skip a Day

OK, OK, so I didn't post yesterday. I skipped ONE DAY. But I don't feel bad about it because I am really very good at posting each day, so I'm allowed a day off.

Especially when I have nothing much to say and no new photos. And I'm busy with other things.

One of the many things I had to do yesterday was go to the doctor for my annual physical. I hadn't had one in three years. So I was about due. My doctor was very nice. He didn't say anything about my weight, which is still on the high side due to Andrew. He told me I looked healthy, which is always good to hear. Now as long as my bloodwork comes back clean, I'm all set. THAT is the part that makes me nervous. Fasting all night and then having the lab tell me I'm eating too many pop-tarts.

Hey, has anyone ever been fitted for running shoes?


Anonymous said...

Yes. You get something called a "gait" check. I did mine at the Sports Basement in San Francisco. Probably you could get yours done anywhere they sell a lot of running shoes.

Miss you!!!!!

Aunt Anne-E.

Debs said...

Hey, if I managed to post as often as you I'd be happy. It's not as if I don't get online every day, I'm just not always inspired to think of anything to say.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Thank gawd you took a day off yesterday! I was exhausted from responding & needed the day off too! Thanks!