Monday, September 27, 2010


I was a little excited when the director of our church choir sent out an email letting the singers know that he would not be at our rehearsal this past week. Instead, we would be getting a guest director, someone with years of experience as a choir director.

I always appreciate guest directors because it's an opportunity to get a different sort of direction, and to pick up different tips. Especially when we're singing music I happen to like, such as the piece we sang Sunday.

So I was really looking forward to this particular choir rehearsal. I was planning on going.

I planned on going all day long. I was thinking about it when I picked up Nick from school and took him to piano lesson. And when I stopped by the grocery store to buy decongestant and a night time cold medicine. I planned on going all through making dinner and setting the table.

And it wasn't until we all sat down to dinner and I said "Remember, Steve. It's choir night," that Steve looked at me and said "You're kidding, right?"

Well, he didn't say that. But he could have. Because instead of "remember" what I said was "rebebar" and it sounded like Darth Vader was sitting at the table with us. That's how much difficulty I had breathing. What Steve said was "You can stay home if you want to. It's OK."

And so I did. And I took enough cold medicine to knock me out by 7:45.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well Kathleen :( Lots of fluids and rest.