Friday, March 17, 2006

Nicholas is almost twenty two months old, which means he is almost two. Like a typical two year old, he has turned into a very strange child with very strange habits and very strange tendancies.

For one thing, he stores things in strange places. I can not, for the life of me, get Nick to pick up his blocks and put them in the block bin. I may as well be trying to train Gunther to do it. In fact, I'm pretty sure that, with a few treats and a little persistance, it might be easier teaching Gunther to do it. However, despite not putting things where they belong, he continually puts items in places they most definitely do NOT go. Yesterday I opened the cabinet and found a kickball sitting in one of the pots. I opened the drawer to get a sheet and find three tiny cars. Cute! But last week I took a blanket out of the blanket basket and found a sip cup with strange purple goo in it - not so cute. Maybe Miranda hasn't been stealing them after all. They're all over the house, their insides turning into purple goo. Hooray.

Nick also is great at taking things OUT of drawers and bins. He absolutely positively cannot stand to have books on shelves. On the floor only. And all of these wonderful things I have in my desk drawers, things lke staples and decks of cards and plugs to items that may or may not hook up to my computer... these things also must be removed and placed strategically around the house so that I come across them at odd moments - like when I'm making dinner or when I accidentally step on one of them - and in the case that I am actually LOOKINg for one of these items, such as the baby monitor or my computer mouse, I need to go scouring every single corner and nook and cranny, underneath every pillow and blanket, and I will probably end up finding what I am looking for in the bread drawer or the trash.

In case you haven't figured it out, I'm very tired and very frustrated and I might be more calm about the whole thing if he would actually take a nap someplace other than the car, so I can get something done while he's napping.

The end for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at that -- he's not yet 2 & already he's reading the word QUIT off the Sesame Street screen!! He's a genius, an insomniac, but a genius! I wish I could come over & let you take nap.