Friday, March 31, 2006

A few months after Nicholas was born, Steve sent me flowers.

Steve has never been the kind of guy to bring me flowers. The only other time I can remember him doing so was the first anniversary of the day we met. He bought me one hundred roses from this truck off the side of the road that sold 100 ROSES for $49 or something to that effect. The roses were uncut, full of thorns and leaves. He didn't have vases to hold them so we ended up cutting off the tops of plastic liquor bottles he neglected to throw out and sticking them in there.

When he sent me flowers after Nick was born, I cried. I was so happy and glad. It really meant something to me that he took the few minutes to go and do something like that.

I bring it up because, even on my best days, it feels good to be given a little recognition. Yes, we are married, and yes, I am the mother of your children, but I still like to be won over. Especially when you take into account all of the wonderfully unsexy things I do every day. The poopy diapers, the mushy clothes, listening to The Wiggles album 47 times... these things do not necessarily put me in a romantic mood. The breastfeeding that many men find so mystifying is simply a device to render all activities involving that area of the body sticky and gross and at times painful.

It's a trying time, also, because the first few months after a child is born is such a melting pot of hormones, sleep deprivation, self-doubt, body issues, and adapting to a new "schedule" which is just another way of saying "once you think you've got a schedule your infant will change it just to torment you and get you ready for teenage years." Yes, this is a trying time for fathers, too. I know Steve has made major lifestyle changes and adaptations in becoming a father. But I'm not a man, I'm a woman. So I can't speak for him.

I guess what I'm saying is, I really liked it that time Steve sent me flowers. I wish every mother could enjoy that feeling of support and encouragement at least once in her life - flowers for no reason. Just because.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kathleen, read this to Steve:

Steve, go buy your wife some flowers for no reason at all!!! It will come back to you 100 fold.