Monday, March 27, 2006

No photo today. Blogger keeps giving me an error message.

Instead, here is ANOTHER VERY CUTE NICK STORY. I know, I know, you're getting sick of them. I understand. I can't reasonably expect you to be as enchanted with my children as I am. But TOO BAD! Life is more than pretty pictures, and even more than a few not-so-pretty pictures. It is also funny anecdotes.

When we went to visit Betsy and her 4 month old, Logan, Nicholas kept calling Logan "Nay Nay." Now, Nay Nay is what he calls Nathan. And it makes sense for Nathan. Betsy and I kept telling Nick his name was LOGAN, not NATHAN. And I kept pointing out Nathan and explaining that there was only one Nathan.

Yesterday we were reading the book "5 Little Ducks." And we reached the very end of the book which has the little ducks returning to their mother duck with families of their own. And Nicholas pointed to one of the baby ducks and said "Nay Nay?"

Baby. He gets the concept. The vocabulary continues to elude him

In other news, Spring is here, we are playing and walking outside, I am drying clothes on the line (is this good or bad?) and the days are lasting longer and longer. Hooray!

1 comment:

LARISSA said...

OR, he could be attempting pig latin...