Friday, December 04, 2009

This Little Light Of Mine

I put up some decorations today.

I do love Holiday decorations and Christmas trees, but I tend to lean away from the huge blow ups of Homer Simpson-dressed-as-Santa-going-down-the-chimney and bright pink or flashing lights. I favor green pine boughs, red ribbons, and simple white lights.

I put single candles in each of our windows, which I do every year. It's kind of a pain, because they are plug-ins, and I need to go around plugging them in and unplugging them before sleep, not to mention watching the boys to make sure nobody picks one up to play with it or knocks it to the ground.

But this year I splurged and put a wreath on the door, and even purchased some shatterproof globes which I hung on the tree at the foot of our drive. Except it's not a pine tree, it's just a regular small tree which happens to be naked at the moment. And s also too tall for us to reach the higher branches, so most of the ornaments are sadly clustered near the bottom, which the boys could reach. Still, I like to think of it as mildly festive, in a Charlie Brown kind of way.

I suppose within the next week we'll be getting a tree. If I had my own tree I would use only white lights and simple and tasteful ornaments. However, I am outvoted in this house. Everyone else involved in the tree-decorating process prefer colored lights, and ornaments double as toys, despite my protests.

Regardless, the decorations make me happy, just as happy as seeing other lit windows as I drive down my street in my car. There is a warmth to them, and a glow, and a certain peace.

I wasn't going to out up a link today. Then I was, then I wasn't and you'll see why, but here I am, putting this link up here anyway. I couldn't find the actual video of it, so you'll have to read it. But please enjoy these Decorating Tips. I crack up every single time... No personal comments, please.

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