Thursday, August 10, 2006


In the movie Simon Birch there is this scene where the little boy, who has just accidentally killed Ashley Judd by hitting her in the head with a baseball, is running away from humanity when he stops on a bridge and cries out to the world "I'm Sorry! I'M SORRY!" And this scene never fails to leave me in tears. Other than that, the movie is just a shortened a rehashed version of "A Prayer for Owen Meany" which I loved.

Delta called me the other day. I mean I got a phone call in response to my letter. They called to apologize for the awful trip I had. "You've been mistreated," the lady said. "We feel bad about that because it shouldn't happen." They will be speaking to the flight attendants and to the airports, too.

I don't really know about that. I mean, I can imagine the red tape involved in tracking down who was working the desks, who was on which flights, etc. I was just impressed that they called. I really wasn't expecting a response to my letter. I was half expecting it to be pinned up on some wall of shame where office workers would read it and laugh. I know they probably have a special department simply to deal with complaints, and they probably tell everyone that they are sorry and they will be looking into it. They probably offer all disgruntled passangers $50 flight vouchers or 5000 sky miles (this translates to about $1 per 100 miles, right?). But hey - skymiles! I'm that much closer to a first class flight to Bora Bora! I figure Steve and I can take our three week vacation to a dream location on our 25th wedding anniversary. Which is great, because we won't need a baby sitter.

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