Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We're having a heat waaaaaave

OK, so I know it's much hotter in Thailand than it is here, generally speaking. But it's hot here. Not just hot, but humid.

Yesterday I checked Accuweather to see what the temperature was like. The actual tempereature was 90° F, but the "RealFeel" after factoring in wind, humidity, and probably the position of the moon, was 107°F. That's 107°F. That's hot.

Last night I kept waiting for the heat to break, for that coolness I assiciate with night time to rush in through the windows as it usually does, causing us to dive under our summer blankets and get up to turn off the fans. It never happened.

Right now it is 84°F by Accuweather's report. The thermometer in Steve's car said 90°F. It is 8:15 am. Supposedly it's supposed to reach 101°F today. RealFeel of 106°F.

Because we have no airconditioning, I have to get creative with things. I plan on taking a trip in the coo, airconditioned car later this morning. We shall go to the dump, and to Dunkin Donuts for a snack. I'm hoping the kids will fall asleep in the car on the way back, and I can carry them into the Den, which has the airconditioning. They won't fall asleep in there on their own. It's WAY to exciting. When they wake up I shall drive us to the mall to do some shopping - weddings, babies, I can always look for a gift. And we shall stay out until at least 4:30. Because it won't get cooler until later.

Actually, it won't get cool at all, I just checked. So we will be hot no matter what. At least some time in airconditioning will help cool us down.


Debs said...

Our weather has cooled down today, and they've threatened rain, although no sign of it yet. But it's probably just cos HP has gone off camping for a week, and it always rains! I hope your plans work out and you manage to cool down enough to be able to live.

Jamie said...

it's not hot here anymore! i wear a hoody when i ride my bike at night. that den is definitely too exciting to fall asleep in...unless you're dad or me.