Saturday, November 11, 2006

Santa's Obsessive Compulsive Little Helper

I like to do my Christmas shopping early, as in before December. I have spent a few years roaming the crowded malls or paying high shipping costs for items that still may not come in time... and I hate it. I hate the stress. So for the past couple of years I have attempted to get shopping done as early as I can. Not that this helps - there's always someone I'm scrambling around at the last minute for.

Yesterday we went shopping, and I found something that Santa might want to give to Nick. It was a Backyeardigans'd toy CD player with it's own CD's. Now, he loves, CDs and CD players. Last year my mother bought him a WInnie-the-Pooh version of this very same toy. He loved it. He loved it so much hat he cried each time he played with it. Apparently he wanted to play the music AND hold the CD's in his hand at the same time. Plus, getting the CD's in the player so that music would play was very precise, and he refused help. Each time anyone touched the toy to help him he would scream.... And I went and got him another.

The thing is, Nick was with me. I thought I had been sneaky, hiding it behind a couple of books and a table, but when we got home HE ASKED FOR IT RIGHT AWAY!

AND I LIED! I said we didn't have it. I said we left it at the store.

And Nick cried so hard. While he was crying I was thinking that he wasn't crying simply becasue I said he couldn't have a toy, that he couldn't play with it or we weren't going to buy it... he was crying because he knew we had something, and I WAS TELLING HIM A LIE! I was saying something he knew to be untrue. And I thought of all the ways that could mess up a little guy.

THEN I thought of how Sant was going to bring him the present, and if Santa gave it to him, but he knew I got it, he might never beleive in Santa Clause. I mean, the kid remembers the plastic coin his Grammy took out of her bag that one time months ago. He's going to remember this game he threw a tantrum over and KNOW.

But whatever. I told him we didn't have it, and I'm sticking to the story. I'm glad I did all my other kid-shopping when her was at school. Nate isn't talking.

And for the record, I haven't gotten any gifts for adults yet. Just my kids. And I'm done with that. Because they have enough.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, are you sure you're related to this family????

Shopping BEFORE the holiday/birthday/aniversary/etc is NOT something you are genetically programmed to do!!!!

Go put it all back & then rush around the night before like the rest of us!

Debs said...

I wrote a comment earlier, but it got lost somehow. I'm very impressed by your organisation - my family often seems to having to shop on the last few days before Christmas, but I guess that's partly cos of us all being at work.