Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sleep Does Amazing Things

This Friday Nathan is due for his second flu shot of the season. Babies get flu shots in 2 doses, I guess, because they are so small.

The ironic thing is, both Nick and Nate have been coughing ever since they got their LAST flu shots, sometime in mid-October. I mean it - they have not stopped coughing, their noses have not stopped running, and they have not slept through the night.

Of course, the past couple of nights have been GREAT! Sure, Nick wakes up every night screaming because of this nightmare he gets about a Sea-Bear, which he saw on an episode of Sponge Bob Square Pants (you can blame Steve for that). But Nate has only been waking up a couple of times a night, usually just after I have fallen asleep, and about 45 minutes before the "official" wake-up time. Last night Nate woke up only once, at about 5am, and went right back to sleep.

This morning I heard the boys playing and went in to find them both playing in the crib. "Look, Mammoy!" said Nick. "My diaper fell off!" I resisted the urge to tell Nick that diapers don't just fall off, especially when you are wearing onesie footie pyjamas that zip from foot to neck. Obviously he unzipped them himself and took his diaper OFF. I'm just happy he didn't try to zip anything back UP, because watching him try I realized he would have gotten something caught in the zipper, and THAT would not have been happy.

Anyway, I'm feeling much more rested these days.


Jamie said...

sea bear, eh? i think i need to google image this or something. i thought sponge bob was a totally kid-oriented show. who's this guy, by the way? Looks like he could be Steve's brother.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is that manhandling your child???? And what is this Sea Bear thingy?