Ten years ago I was allergic to most types of exercise.
Bad at sports, impatient, and easily bored. That was me. Oh, also, I refused to go to a gym because I didn't want anyone to see me while I was working out.
Occasionally I would go for a run. And I was miserable the whole time.
And then... then I found Billy. I can't remember who suggested I try the Tae Bo tapes (yes, they were tapes for VHS, not DVD's) but I did. And I liked them. I like the idea of punching a pretend bad guy. And then, THEN THE MATRIX came out, and I could pretend I was actually IN the MOVIE, and that was it. I lost all sorts of weight. I looked fabulous.
But working out doesn't work that way forever. My schedule changed. I moved further away from my job, and I started running instead of doing Tae-Bo. Then I got pregnant and gained three billion pounds.... and before I lost it all I got pregnant again.
They say that the pregnancy weight you do NOT loose before you get pregnant again is yours for life.
At least this one author said it.
I hate her.
Anyway, I am terrible at dieting. I try, because I'm actually kind of smart, but my willpower when it comes to not eating year-old marshmallows or the kid's chocolate Easter bunnies is practically non-existant, especially when compared to my staying power when it comes to working out. I can work out for hours. I can diet for ten minutes.
I have recently upped part of my workout from a 5k run to a 5 mile run, which I can accomplish in just about 40 minutes.
I consider myself in excellent shape, and think I am doing pretty well, all things considered.
And then Lillian brought over some Tae-Bo DVD's.
I have to say I had lost my love for Tae-Bo because I wasn't able to get through a workout without having to run and attend to a wailing child. Also, Billy was driving me nuts with the same inspirational pep talk, the smae missed kicks, the same shouts, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Because it was the same tape. But it still drove me mad.
And here was Lillian, bringing me her Boot Camp DVD's. They come with straps - like weights with rubber bands. And the other day I tried one of these DVD's for the first time, thinking I would probably breeze by it, and OH HOW WRONG I WAS!
Five minutes into the workout I was pleading for a break. My arms just couldn't take it. I was barely moving an inch because I just couldn't. This workout took all that I had. In the arms department.
Billy Blanks.... Oh, that Billy Blanks. He may wear horrid workout outfits, but let me tell you, he does it for me every time.
Workout wise.
I will look good in that swimsuit yet!
Hi Kathleen,
After reading your entry I was trying to think of what those 'sticks' are called. http://www.oldhouseweb.com/stories/Detailed/838.shtml Anyway you're quite right they reflect taste and have no function but think what a hoot it would be if you could train the dog to reinstall them when you take them out and set them on the floor next to the window.
You go, girl!
I will never get rid of that pregnancy weight you did not lose before you got pregnant again, so I'm eating cookies & drinking warm chocolate pudding for breakfast, mmmmmmmmmm.
hi from the blog party
i feel the same way you do about exercise.
mari winsor is my current guru. i bet i couldn't do *two* mins of your tae bo tape lol.
but i did do a triathlon last weekend....
(a very little triathlon lol)
For good advice on nutrition. Dr. Andrew Weil's 8 weeks to optimal health. He is amazing and it's really easy. It will change your perspective...Also walking,walking, walking is the best exercise: you can do it anywhere for the rest of your life and it doesn't strain anything or mess up your KNEES. Take care of those KNEES, we Woods have bad knees. You always look good in a bathing suit, Fleen.
laughing at your comment..."I hate her"...she probably gained 67 pounds like I did and has battled ever since....and you know misery loves company, so if she can convince us it's true....well....
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