I have probably mentioned this before, but I consider myself very, very, very fortunate to know so very many very talented people. Very. Like, yeah.
No, but seriously, I feel that I know more of my share of creative geniuses. If we all banded together we could change the world. The trouble is, we all have different ideas on how it should be changed.
Here is a book written by my sister Anne-E. It's called Two If By Sea. You can buy it now on Amazon by following the above link (maybe), or spdbooks.org. Buy this book. Buy it. BUUUYYYY IIITTTTT! She's a better writer than I am. Way better. WAAAYYYY.
Also, have I mentioned that I am so very very extremely proud?
PS - because my new browser doesn't give me a button for links, I'm trying to insert links via cutting amd pasting html. It might just work. But then again, it might not. So please let me know if they're taking you to the right places. If they aren't I'll have to try something else.
Ah, Kathleen, you're the cream in my coffee. It IS a grand book, isn't it?
Thanks, Kathleen. That's reallly, really, really sweet of you. You are totally the soy milk in my green tea. xoxoxoxAnne-E.
Hey! All this milk & milk-product talk is giving me difficulty swallowing. Stop it now!! Please? But buy the book despite the milk references -- it has nothing to do with the book.
The link works just fine. Can't wait to read the book.
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